Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've decided that to help me with my drive to get back in shape I'd write out what I've done each day. It'll be interesting to track my improvement over the next few months. I'm using the next 12 weeks as my push to get back in shape, and the 12 weeks after that to push very hard and get the best possible increase over my previous shape. So, essentially 3 months to restore my body to my previous peak. 3 months to shove past that peak with the maximum amount of effort.

I'm not doing this in order to look better, that is simply a secondary benefit. My primary goal is to increase my ability as a martial artist. I want to get back into something. I've chosen Brazilian Jiu Jitsu because it covers an area I haven't trained before, which is the ground. In 2003 I messed around with submissions grappling (less formalized style of BJJ) and loved it. When I moved back to Brandon and went to my old school, the little I had picked up allowed me to dominate everyone when sparring hit the ground. Now I have the chance to learn the entire system properly from a proper instructor. I'm very excited. At the school I have decided to go to it is a 6 month comitment to sign up. There is a tournament in October that I would love to participate in if I find I want to stick with it.

To prepare for that I need to increase my endurance, strength, flexibility, and technique. All of these come from attending class, but endurance, strength and flexibility can all be improved outside of class as well. I'm working the cardio hard and going back to the weights to help out. I'm also incorporating different stretching exercises before and after I work out. Everything will help, everything will make me better. If I can do all of this, I see no reason why I can't win my division.

Well, enough babble, onto the efforts from the last two days.

Monday March 30, 2009

Treadmill 30 min

Top speed 8km (1:30 at end of program)

Top elevation 4.5

Tuesday March 31, 2006

Treadmill 30 min

Top speed 8km (1:30 at end of program)

Top elevation 4.5

Friday, February 13, 2009

For some reason I'm in a piss poor mood. I don't even want to go out and have drinks with my friends from work, I just want to hide in a little hole and ignore the world as it ignores me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The worst combination of words ever are "I just want to be friends." or "I just think of you as a friend." or "I don't want to be anything more than friends."

I've got plenty of friends. What I need is a girlfriend.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sometimes you just get a sense of the bad girls from a mile away. The new server at Nairn has been flirting with me a fair bit, and tonight told me I have something that would fit in her mouth. This was the third time we've ever worked together. The side of me that wants to get laid is screaming about what an easy opportunity this is. The side of me that wants to improve reminds myself that this is how I always get in trouble.

So, once again, it's the combo of spankwire and my right hand to take away my worries.

=( =( =( =( =(

Saturday, December 6, 2008


So, tonight I was a little off my game at work. I don't really know why, but I just could not get it together. I babbled like an idiot with my first table. As for the group I was helping, oh man. They were a pretty great group, but I kept making mistakes on orders and getting seats and people mixed around. Almost caused another server to spill two dinners all over the place. All that aside, I still got a pretty good feeling off of them. Then towards the end of the meal the managers came over to remind the table they had to be out at quarter to eight. That pissed more than a few of them off and ended up with me getting stiffed pretty badly.

Couldn't focus, couldn't get myself back together, couldn't function. It fucking sucked. Ended up giving away another table of mine and a group I was supposed to help out with. Got the GM pissed at me, but he was pissed at everything tonight so no big deal there. Just generally didn't pull my weight or do as well as I know I can. That's probably what's bugging me the most. I know I can do an awesome job. I get good tips and lots of compliments most of the time, and I never back off when they ask me to do something. That means tomorrow I have to be extra good to make up for the shit that went on tonight. The GM was joking before he left that this night was worse than getting punched in the balls. I have a feeling he'll be having some drinks and doing some venting on his own.

Well, with that out of the way, let's see what else I can type about to kill time. Lately I've been making a concentrated effort to slow myself down a bit and not get so worked up over little things. I'm basically good at doing this, but with the extra stress of the holiday season building up, and the fact that my depression always works it's way out when winter hits, I thought some extra effort would be required. I'm re-reading Ancient Wisdom, Modern World to help guide me. The other day I even did a search of Buddhist groups in the area to see if that might catch my interest. One of them was a Pure Land sub division, and another was a Tibetan group. Of course, there was also a Zen group, but I might have to work my way into that later on.

I've been wary of exploring my spirituality after my experiences in the Baptist Church as a child. From the time I was, oh, 6 or so my parents started taking an interest in finding a church in Brandon. By the time I was 8 we had started going to a baptist church, and I enjoyed bits of it for a while. They had this kids group for memorizing bible passages were they gave out awards and such, combined it with some games and exercise. I liked that for the structure and because I had a very sharp memory and enjoyed testing it. And, being an 8 year old kid, I didn't think much about what was being said in the church. By the time I was 14 I had a much better idea of what was going on. I also was able to make a decent enough argument with my parents that I didn't have to go to church anymore. That was about the same time everyone else decided they'd had enough to.

So. Long story short, it was spiritually and culturally restrictive and we wasted a lot of time there. Honestly, not what a church should be. Any faith which meets and listens to an [insert appropriate name here] gave me the willies. Gotta get over that and expand my spirit. It's as important as any other aspect of myself, so that means I need to explore and accept it.

I've also had few opportunities to expand myself mentally since leaving university. Granted, I didn't do well either time I was there, nor did I apply myself as I should have or would have if I had been calmer. Oh well. Reading more is one of the ways I'm trying to keep the mental juices flowing. Starting my course in the fall will really help that out. So many latin names for various parts of the body that require memorization. Should be fun.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

First post~!

Well, this is another attempt at having a blog. The livejournal I used to have fell out of use as many of the friends that I kept in contact with using it have moved to facebook or myspace. Instead of a social network, this blog will be a semi-private location for my ramblings. Maybe I'll have something interesting to post now and then, but more often than not this is just a dumping ground for thoughts that don't fit anywhere else.

The title of my blog is an amalgamation of different user names that I have used in the last 5 or so years. I thought that would be the easiest way to find a name that wasn't taken.

Now playing: Alestorm - Captain Morgan's Revenge
via FoxyTunes